Female Health Care

Female Health Care

Nurturing Women's Wellness: Empowering Female Health Care
Enhancing women’s health by providing them with individualised, all-encompassing care Our commitment is to provide women with support throughout their lives, ranging from menopause through reproductive health. Our top priority when providing female health care services are your well-being and health.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease(PCOD)

Woman holding Uterus and Ovaries model.

5%–20% of women in the 12-–45 age range are affected. Symptoms


  • Menstrual irregularity. 
  • Acne 
  • Excess hair growth (Hirsutism). 
  • It may cause difficulty in conceiving. 
  • Obesity 


Rasadhatu Dushti is the root cause of PCOD, according to Ayurveda. A hormonal imbalance in women who are fertile is known as PCOD.

In accordance with Ayurveda, PCOD is treated with a variety of internal drugs, including medicated ghruts like Mahapaishachik ghrut and Kalyanak ghrut.


Nasya = For stimulating ovulation. 

Basti = Basti of various medicated siddha tail is given for vaat shaman. 

Applying medication locally to the lower abdomen is also beneficial. Exercise: Vyayam is recommended based on the patient’s prakruti.

Irregular menses

Blue alarm clock and white flowers on menstrual period calendar with red cross marks
  • Periods that happen in cycles lasting less than 21 days, more than 32 days, or that are interrupted for three or more consecutive cycles.
  • Women frequently have irregular or delayed periods, primarily as a result of hormonal imbalances in the ovaries that are brought on by poor digestion and metabolism.
  • It could occur irregularly or irregularly on a regular basis, such as every 15 or 45 days. For example, once every 15 days following a span of 2-3 months.


  • Stress 
  • Uterine polyp or fibroids. 
  • Endometriosis 
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
  • Recurrent infection that affect female reproductive system. 
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

In Ayurveda, medication is administered. For vaatshaman, a mixture of medicinal decoction and siddha tail is administered. An essential factor in the menstrual cycle is vaat dosha.


Closeup of a woman's hand holding up a pregnancy test kit with a negative result

The failure to conceive after a year of frequent, unprotected intercourse is known as infertility.

How common is infertility? 

  • Approximately 15% of couples will experience infertility (UCLA Health 2020).
  • Infertility affects 48.5 million couples worldwide (Reproductive Biological Endocrine Therapy, 2015).
    Infertility affects 1 in 4 couples in underdeveloped nations.
  • 30% of women, 30% of men, and 30% of both partners are infertile

What cause Infertility? 

Female factors : 

  • Approximately 15% of couples will experience infertility (UCLA Health 2020).
  • Infertility affects 48.5 million couples worldwide (Reproductive Biological Endocrine Therapy, 2015).
    Infertility affects 1 in 4 couples in underdeveloped nations.
  • 30% of women, 30% of men, and 30% of both partners are infertile

According to Ayurveda main cause of any abnormal function in body is Agni Mandya (indigestion) & tridosh dushti (vitiation of three governing factor of body ). 

In Ayurveda for natural conceiving process need:

Rutu = Regular menstrual cycle. 

Kshetra= Healthy uterus with proper endometrial thickness & open fallopian tube healthy body without any underlying disease 

Ambu = Rasa dhatu of body to nourish mother & baby & amniotic fluid during pregnancy. 

Beej = It is main factor in fertilizing healthy ovum. 

To maintain all these four factor & doshas of body we gave dietary advice like milk, ghee, nuts, pumpkin seeds, fresh organic fruits & vegetables. 

Shaman chikitsa medicine to treat underlying disease eg: Ashwagadha, Shatavari, Phal ghrut, Ashokarishta and so on. 

Lepas for local application are given to improve ovulation. 

Panchakarma chikitsa = Snehan with medicated oils, swedan, basti, uttarbasti are done as per condition of patient, these therapies detoxifies the body. 

Uttarbasti is special enema administered through urethral & vaginal routes are very effective for deformities in uterus & fallopian tube. 

Nasya with medicinal churna gives to regulate ovulation. 

Pregnancy Care

Healthy pregnancy concept

The time period of nine months of pregnancy is precious for mother and baby. Hence proper mental and physical care is taken by Gaurprabha Ayurveda & Wellness Centre 

During intrauterine growth of foetus according to Ayurveda in each month formation development of organ takes place. In each month different masanumasik kashay are given for proper growth and development of foetus . 

  • Baby weight: In case of IUGR, in order to increase baby weight (foetus wt.) basti of specific medicine is given in 8 th month of pregnancy. 
  • High Risk pregnance: We take special care of patient,who has pregnancy induced hypertension , pregnancy induced hypothyroid & diabetes, pregnancy induced HTN . 
  • Sukha prasav Basti : In 9th month to enhance the natural way of delivery,specific medicated kwath and oil basti are given 
  • Beejyog: Garbhasanskar sessions are conducted for Antenatal care by Shree Rukma Chikitsalaya. 

Specific yoga & pranayam are advised. 

Post Delivery Care

Tiny feet of a newborn baby in caring mother's hands

Baby: For health of baby,proper breast feeding is necessary. 

Stanyajanan and balyavardhak medicines are given to mother in order to make breastmilk nutritious (doshmukta ) 

Mother: During delivery vaat dosh increases due to labour pain & exertion. Which may lead to dhatukshay, vaatprakop & other vaat related complaints. Hence oil massage (snehan) & dhupan of churna is advised to gain normal activity. 

Post Menopausal Care

Menopause concept.

Normally, It occurs at age of 45-55 years. 

Many symptoms arise as there is hormonal changes in the body . 


  • It starts with irregular menses. 
  • Weight gain. 
  • Irritability, mood swings. 
  • Hot flush, night sweats. 
  • Vaginal dryness, itching. 
  • Joint pains. 
  • Sleeplessness. 
  • Lassitude. 
  • Excessive hair fall. 
  • Anemia weakness. 
  • Stress incontinence. 
  • Loss of sexual desire. 

Complication may cause

  • Cardiovascular problems due to hormonal Imbalance. 
  • Fracture of bones due to osteoporosis. 

At GAURPRABHA Chikitsalaya, proper councelling for mental well being & physical health of this age group. 

Some Ayurvedic medicines like saudnyasthapan churna, dashmularishta & many other oils & ghruts are advised to maintain body weight & other physical parameters according to sympotoms. 

Shaman chikitsa: Drugs like shatavari, ashwagandha, asthishrunkhala, pushyanug churna, chandraprabha are given. 

Shodhan chikitsa: Various Panchakarma like Vaman, virechan , basti nasya and raktamokshan are done to balance the Doshas in womens. 

Regular yoga, exercise & medication & dietory changes like consumption of godhum ( wheat ), old rice, mudga ( moong ), fresh seasonal fruits, ghee are suggested by doctors. 

Effective Ayurvedic Rasayan kalpas can be very useful in menopausal conditions. 

Breast Cancer

Woman holding pink breast cancer ribbon

With being the most common type of cancer in women, breast cancer accounts for 14% of cancers in Indian women. 


  • Lump in the breast. 
  • Bloody discharge from the nipple. 
  • Changes in the shape / texture of the nipple or breasts. 

Lump in the breast can also be non-cancerous (benign) which is known as FIBROADENOMA. But it needs treatment hence proper Ayurvedic medicine & advice is given at GAURPRBHA Chikitsalaya. 

In Ayurveda, medicines are given with perspective of increasing life span of patient and to decrease the cancerous lesion. 

Uterine Cancer

World Cancer day, concept of female cancer

A type of cancer that begins in the uterus (Garbhashay) 


  • Multiple deliveries 
  • Uterine handelling 
  • Frequent cervical & uterine infection. 


  • Profuse white discharge. 
  • Intermittent bleeding. 

Ayurveda helps to increase the life span & stop or reduce the spread of this cancer. 

Panchakarma: Nasya & basti are advised. 

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Contact Information

Shop No 11, JP Celeste Building, near JP North Garden City, Ghodbunder Village, Mira Road (E), Dist- Thane, 401107